​A magical moment of clarity was to have a profound impact on her life and led her to choose art as her vocation. While meditating in a clearing surrounded by trees, where the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves revealed a symbiotic relationship between all the forces of nature, Linda experienced an all-encompassing sense of connection. This transcendent experience deeply inspired her and made her realize that it was her destiny to express this life-changing sense of all-oneness in her art. From then on, she began to let her intense impressions and deep feelings flow into her painting in order to make the unique connection she felt with the world around her visible to others.​​
Linda Ashoff:
the artist & creator of Connectism
Even as a child, Linda Ashoff was a highly sensitive soul. Surrounded by the wild beauty of nature in the Siebengebirge and the creative atmosphere of her artist family, this influenced her further development. Her extraordinary perception of the world, shaped by intense sensory experiences, is processed in her painting.​​​

Linda Ashoff | abstract art | abstract artist, art Berlin, colourful paintings for sale, abstract paintings, original art for sale, online gallery, female painter, colorful art, acrylic paintings on canvas, lindaashoff

Linda Ashoff lives and works in a studio surrounded by nature in the Berlin metropolitan region and has developed an unmistakable artistic style that she calls "Connectism". Her works in acrylic captivate through colorful, flowing forms and detailed designs that reflect the profound connectedness of all elements and radiate an effervescent life energy.​

Linda Ashoff's art has gained national and international recognition. Her works are increasingly in demand and have caused a stir in the art scene. Her paintings have delighted art lovers in Germany and around the world. Linda also plans to make her art more accessible to an even wider international audience. Her aim is to inspire people with her art and to emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of life.